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Punjab Central Business District Development Authority (PCBDDA), also known as Central Business District Punjab (CBD Punjab), is proudly embracing the patriotic spirit as it celebrates Pakistan's 76th Independence Day with unparalleled zeal. Under the visionary directives of Chief Minister Punjab, Syed Mohsin Raza Naqvi, CBD Punjab has launched an inspiring series of events to commemorate this historic occasion.

The festivities, running until August 14, 2023 (Pakistan Independence Day)  are being carried out under the theme of 'CELEBRATING AZADI-E-TARAQI O KAMAAL.' This campaign aptly captures the essence of CBD Punjab's role in shaping a prosperous future and nurturing the spirit of freedom. As a beacon of progress, CBD Punjab stands committed to embracing limitless potential and fostering pathways to prosperity.

As a dazzling testament to this commitment, CBD Punjab has adorned the Kalma underpass CBD Punjab Boulevard with a breathtaking display of green and white festive lights, elegantly decked with the national flag. This symbolizes the unity and pride that marks this historic occasion.

As the celebrations reach their crescendo, the citizens of Lahore can anticipate a mesmerizing firework spectacle on the stroke of midnight, August 14, 2023, at the Kalma Chowk CBD Punjab project site. This awe-inspiring display promises to be a fitting tribute to the courage, sacrifices, and unity that led to the birth of Pakistan. Moreover, a special cake-cutting and flag-hoisting ceremony will take place at CBD Punjab House on August 14, 2023, signifying the jubilant culmination of these celebrations.

Imran Amin, CEO of CBD Punjab, expressed his enthusiasm, stating, "This year's celebrations are a testament to the relentless pursuit of progress and freedom. CBD Punjab remains dedicated to realizing the potential of a prosperous and united Pakistan."

The Punjab Central Business District Development Authority invites everyone to join in this momentous celebration of Pakistan's 76th Independence Day and witness the unity and resilience that shape the nation.


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